Seven Continents by Mohan Bhasker - 1st Edition

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  • Regular price $375.00

‘SEVEN CONTINENTS’ Landscape Photography Book 1st Edition, (ISBN# 978-0-615-87894-2) printed on 2014.  The book won the “Book of the Year” by the Press of Book Expo of America in New York City in May 2014.

About this Book:  Seven Continents, a beautifully, educational and artistically illustrated volume offers an exquisite and exclusive collection of 289-photographs from all seven continents.  Mohan Bhasker, Landscape Photographer and Author, captured transcendent landscapes of the earth’s most awesome locations.  The book is fueled and enriched with thrilling ‘story-telling’ adventurous as illustrated by the Photographer’s zest for life and his passion to capture God’s creation with his camera lens.  It is a true testament of eloquence, hard work and passion—consisting of 15-years photographing remote places that very few people venture to visit.

1ST EDITION OF SEVEN CONTINENTS SOLD OUT IN 2015.  Mohan has 25 books left in his personal collection